Saturday, October 14, 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Game & Practice Schedule

Check the master calender for New practice and game schdule dates. First game tuesday October 03, 2017 away game. Full game schedule posted under games schedule. Please noteall away games will be at: Andulka Park, 5051 Chicago Avenue, Riverside, Ca 92507. Will be adding more practice dates for late October and November check back.

Monday, August 21, 2017


New Page 1

Greetings Astros !

My name is Robert Alexander and I'm the team manager for the Colt Fall 2017 Astros. I have been coaching and Managing for several years with Moreno Valley Youth Federation Baseball. I'm currently serving on the MVYF Board. I have put together this wed-page and side bar links to make the commutation process easier. If you need to contact me feel feel to on my cell phone at 202.427.8636. I look forward to a great season with your children.

Colt division currently has three Moreno Valley teams with teams coming from surrounding cities that will be playing the Moreno Valley Teams.

I'm currently looking for  coaching staff member. Please contact me if your interested in coaching for the Colt Astros.

The Colt Astro currently have one coach. Jim Harred which has coached with me the past at the Pony level.

We have a roster of 15 players. Players listed under roster have been drafted to the Astros. We currently have 5 open spots that we can draft new players, and one spot that the Division will place one unselected player.

We are looking for players to play on our team please contact me if your interested or know anyone.

Lets get ready for a great season.

- Robert Alexander,
Astros Colt Manager
MVYF Board Member.

Team Parent:

Uniforms: Jerseys are white with orange writing. A hat and Jersey will be provided to the player at no cost.

Players will need to buy the following before September 24, 2017:
White Pants
Orange Socks
Orange Belt

Jersey and hat will be provided.

The Team will be collecting $25.00 dollars from each player. This money will cover the cost of rental of practice fields, lighting for fields, Batting cages, cost of printing names on players hats and Jerseys, drink donations, banner and other team cost.**Depending on amounts collected from sponsorship; we may or may not be collecting additional funds after the season starts but NOT LIKELY.